Switching from Disqus to Giscus (GitHub Discussions)
In the story of this blog I used WordPress, and using the WordPress comments then moved to Discus as it was better at handling spam. Then I switched this blog to GitHub with first Jekyll with markdown then finally to Hugo, this worked well enough. Then lately I’ve been a bit more displeased by the Disqus editing capability (no markdown (or asciidoc) support, no preview). More people tend to have a GitHub account than a Disqus account (for tech blogs). Also, GitHub introduced GitHub Discussions which was appealing to use with blogs.
This led me to finally do the migration from Disqus to GitHub Discussions. The actual blog must use Giscus a comment system that leverage the GitHub Discussions (https://github.com/giscus/giscus[giscus/giscus).
Preparing the migration
Before doing anything, I read some article from people who did the migration
Migrating from Disqus to giscus by Rob J. Hyndman
Replacing Disqus with GitHub discussions using giscus by Andrew Lock
How to use GitHub Discussions as Your Blog’s Chat System by Rakesh Potnuru
Tips for using giscus by Bryce Wray
Hello, GitHub Discussions! Goodbye, Disqus… by - Jason Bolden
Giscus: The New Commenting Engine for My Website by Yury Zhauniarovich
2019-10 Goodbye, Disqus! Hello, Utterances! by Maëlle’s R.
Moving my blog comments from Disqus to Github issues using PowerShell by François-Xavier Cat
At the first glance the good thing is that the configuration of Giscus is quite simple, you just need to follow the steps on the Giscus website.
This page will produce a script that needs to be placed at the bottom of the blog post. That means that it’s possible to adapt the script per page, typically for some options that may be relevant like the comment interface language.
GitHub repository and Giscus
The main thing to configure is the repository where the comments will be stored.
Make sure the blog public
Enable the GitHub Discussions in the repository settings
Install the giscus app in the repository

By default, when enabling the GitHub Discussions the repository will have default categories created, but you can create your own. That’s what I did. While any categories can be used with Giscus, I wanted to restrain the ability to comment via the blog website, when creating the blog category, I chose the Announcement discussion format.

One could create a category for several language, and configure the Giscus script according to the page’s language.
Discussion mappings
But then what to do with the other options, in particular the mapping of the discussions, while this is not really an issue for a new blog, when migrating the choice is important has it is how Giscus will perform the query to find the relevant discussion.
So there are multiple options for mapping, at this time:
, the GitHub Discussion title will be the path of the blog post from the host root, this is the default option and likely the most suitable choice for migration. -
, the GitHub Discussion title will be the page’s URL this option works, but requires to have the same host. -
, this means that the GitHub Discussion title will be the text contained in the<title>
HTML element. -
, the GitHub Discussion title will be the text contained in the page’s<meta property="og:title">
HTML tag. -
, Giscus will find a specific term that has to appear in the GitHub Discussion title. This is not useful when migrating existing blog comments, but can be useful for specific pages. -
, Giscus will use an existing discussion number. This is also not useful when migrating existing blog comments, but can be useful for specific pages and when the discussion already exists.
Along these Giscus has strict toggle. When this flag is activated, it will
hash (currently with SHA-1) the value of the selected mapping (the pathname,
the <title>
value, the <meta property="og:title">
value, etc.).
Giscus will use this value to retrieve the discussion, that means discussions
body must have this hash value somewhere.
<!-- sha1: cad60a29d1b50cbeb42ec2ff630fc508afb1d2e3 -->
Features and appearance
Then there are other options that affect appearance or features.
, there are some predefined theme, I’m using thepreferred-color-scheme
since my blog also support this CSS media query (i.e it switches CSS according to light/dark mode). But this can be configured with a custom CSS file too. -
Reactions for the main blog post
Discussion metadata
Comment input location
Lazy behavior
Other feature are possible in the advanced usage guide.
Hugo theme integration
Depending on the technology there are different ways to integrate Giscus ; check the doc. I’m using Hugo with a custom HTML tailored for asciidoc content theme ascii-press.
So in the theme I just add to replace the previous Disqus script with the Giscus one. Since I own the theme I directly replaced the template, but other theme may require to override the partials (check Hugo documentation).
Since I wanted some flexibility in the configuration, I crafted the following Hugo partial.
{{- with .Site.Params.giscus }}
{{- if or (not .repo) (not .repoId) (not .category) (not .categoryId) }}
{{- errorf "[giscus] repo, repoId, category and categoryId are required." }}
{{- end }}
{{- $lang := default $.Site.Language.Lang }}
data-repo="{{ .repo }}"
data-repo-id="{{ .repoId }}"
data-category="{{ .category }}"
data-category-id="{{ .categoryId }}"
data-mapping="{{ .mapping }}"
data-reactions-enabled="{{ cond .reactions "1" "0" }}"
data-input-position="{{ .inputPosition }}"
data-theme="{{ .theme }}"
data-lang="{{ $lang }}"
{{ with default true .lazyLoading }}data-loading="lazy"{{ end }}
{{ with default true .strictMatching }}data-strict="1"{{ end }}
{{ with default false .emitMetadata }}data-emit-metadata="1"{{ end }}
data-theme="{{ with default "preferred_color_scheme" .theme }}{{ . }}{{ end }}"
{{- end }}
And ended with the following configuration in the config.toml
repo = "bric3/bric3.github.io"
repoId = "...."
category = "Blog Comments"
categoryID = "...."
mapping = "pathname"
reactions = true
inputPosition = "top"
theme = "preferred-color-scheme"
While this is not strictly necessary I also added a DNS Prefetch instruction
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://giscus.app"> .
That should be enough to get Giscus working, but what about the existing comments?
The bad news is there’s no official way to migrate/import comments from Disqus to Giscus (giscus/giscus#330). And clearly this was the most difficult part of this comment system chance task. The only preliminary work that seems related on is about migrating Disqus to GitHub issues (which is likely used by the utteranc.es comment system).
While some inspiration can be made from this project, it doesn’t fit what can be done with discussions.
So the first thing to do getting an extract of the Disqus comments, using the web interface it’s almost impossible to find the export menu.
E.g. the Importing & Exporting | Disqus documentation indicates to go there then click btn:Export. But I couldn’t find this in their UI, instead I found this nifty link to access the export page directly: Export.
The export is actually an XML document whose format is explained here.
The next step was to read that document, and create GitHub discussions from it using the graphql API for discussions.
I wrote a small program in Java that can be run either with java
(JDK 19) or
via jbang
(jbang). The latter is easier to use and will fetch
the necessary dependency to convert HTML to Markdown.
This program is available on this gist. Beware that it’s not a polished program, there’s some failsafe, but not every corner case is handled.
$ jbang https://gist.github.com/bric3/af915687717d9aa06b0f9b06d600c127 -h
Tool to migrate as best effort Disqus comment to GitHub Discussions.
Works best with 'jbang' (https://www.jbang.dev), but can be run with regular 'java' as well.
Note GitHub as undocumented resource rate limiting, on issues, discussions, which means the only option is to wait as long as necessary on large batch.
env GITHUB_TOKEN=... jbang Disqus2Giscus.java -f my-forum -e export.xml -r ghUser/repo -c "Discussion Category" -m pathname --host https://example.com -u author-mapping.csv -o "@bric3"
env GITHUB_TOKEN=... java Disqus2Giscus.java -f my-forum -e export.xml -r ghUser/repo -c "Discussion Category" -m pathname --host https://example.com -u author-mapping.csv -o "@bric3"
Author extraction
java Disqus2Giscus.java -f my-forum -e export.xml -a
Make sure the blog is ready and that https://giscus.app/ is installed.
HTML to Markdown available.
-f, --forum-name <forum> Disqus forum name
-e, --export-file <file> Disqus export file (From https://disqus.com/admin/discussions/export/)
-r, --repo <repo> GitHub repository (owner/repo)
-c, --target-category <category> GitHub discussion category
-m, --mapping <mapping> Giscus discussion mapping mode
--host <host> Site host, used for mapping mode 'pathname',
removes the host from the link in exported
-a, --extract-authors Extract author names from Disqus export file
-u, --user-mapping-file <file> [Optional] Author mapping file, CSV format:
Disqus author name,GitHub user
-o, --owner-account <owner> [Optional] Discus or GitHub identifier
for migrating owner's comments
--[no-]convert-to-markdown [Optional] Toggle markdown conversion of comments
(Requires running with 'jbang' or having 'flexmark-all'
dependency on the class path)
(default: true)
-s, --[no-]strict [Optional] Toggle giscus strict matching mode, this computes
a hash of the blog title to match the discussion.
(default: false)
-t, --token <token> Alternative way to pass the GitHub token
-n, --dry-run Dry run, do not create discussions on Github
-h, --help Show this help
There are multiple option because I tried multiple approaches
to migrate the comments. In order to test what the result will be use the
dry-mode -n
In order to perform the migration I wanted to have the opportunity to map Disqus authors to GitHub users. So the program has an option to export the users.
$ jbang https://gist.github.com/bric3/af915687717d9aa06b0f9b06d600c127 \ (1)
-f thecoffeeworkshop \ (2)
-e disqus-export.xml \ (3)
-a (4)
1 | Run the program with jbang |
2 | The Disqus forum name, this is important if the export has multiple forums |
3 | The Disqus export file |
4 | Tell the program to extract the authors from the Disqus export file |
The output is returning on the stand output authors in a single column. The content can then be placed in a CSV file, where you can add the GitHub username, and delete the lines where there’s no known GitHub username.
I had to edit/fix some author name entries in the export in particular for me as I entered some comment as anonymous on Disqus in the past. |
- Brice Dutheil
+ Brice Dutheil,@bric3 (1)
- Anonymous (2)
- Carlos
+ Carlos, @carlos (1)
- Bob (2)
1 | Disqus author name, GitHub user |
2 | Users without GitHub username, which means the line has to be deleted |
Then the program can be run again for the actual migration, for that more options are required to control the migration, and in particular this requires a GitHub token to access the GraphQL API.
$ env GITHUB_TOKEN=$(op item get "Github" --fields "gh-cli") \ (1)
jbang https://gist.github.com/bric3/af915687717d9aa06b0f9b06d600c127 \
-f thecoffeeworkshop \ (2)
-e disqus-export.xml \ (3)
-r bric3/bric3.github.io \ (4)
-c "Blog Comments" \ (5)
-m pathname \ (6)
--host https://blog.arkey.fr \ (7)
-u author-mapping.csv \ (8)
-o "@bric3" \ (9)
-s (10)
1 | Pas the GitHub token to the program. Here as an example I’m using the
1Password cli op to retrieve the GitHub token. |
2 | The Disqus forum name, this is important if the export has multiple forums |
3 | The Disqus export file |
4 | The GitHub repository where the discussions will be created |
5 | The GitHub discussion category |
6 | The mapping mode, here pathname will use the blog post path as the discussion title |
7 | The blog host, this is used to remove the host from the link in the exported comments |
8 | The author mapping file created above |
9 | The owner account, this is used to tweak how to migrate the owner’s comments |
10 | The strict mode, this is used generate the hash of the value of the current mapping mode, here the path will be hashed and inserted in the main discussion body. |
The other mapping mode are supported, but I noticed that Disqus may
have encoded some characters a bit differently, so for example title values
in the blog and the value in the Disqus export may not match which means the
discussion won’t be found. Additionally even the strict mode this will produce
different hashes. So I would recommend to use the pathname mode.
Try the export on a dummy repository first. |